Ribbon Box Events Blog

January 24, 2011

Word of the Week: Pomander

Pomander Noun


A mixture of aromatic substances, often in the form of a ball, formerly carried on the person as a supposed guard against infection.  A modern form of pomander is made by studding an orange or other fruit with whole dried cloves and letting it cure dry, after which it may last indefinitely. The modern pomander serves the functions of perfuming and freshening the air and of keeping drawers of clothing and linens fresh, pleasant smelling, and moth-free.


Pomanders, also referred to as Kissing Balls are typically floral (though ribbon, tissue ,moss, etc materials are gaining popularity). There are so many fun and creative ways to incorporate pomanders into your design schematic. Here are just a few!

Line the ceremony aisle with the help of shepard hooks…

or skip the hooks alltogether and put them directly on the ground, grouped and in different sizes…

Hang them..

Or, have your bridesmaids and/or flower girls carry them as a bouquet alternative…

Feeling crafty? Check out our earlier post, a DIY tutorial on Ribbon Pomanders.


Or, try these pomanders, of the tissue variety, courtesy of Project Wedding.
